October traditionally begins the Peak Season for shipping cargo.

In a message to the Trade, CFL’s CEO, David Ross encouraged Clients to get ahead of the Peak by shipping cargo now.

“Nothing is usual this year and our efforts to alert Clients and encourage them to ship NOW is in full swing already.  Space, Equipment, Trucking, Rail, Ports are all challenging to say the least. The earlier the shipping process starts the better” said Ross.

With transit times being stretched by the various headwinds facing Shippers, it’s important to note that we are less than 90 days from Christmas Day and typically Clients want products on the shelf ready for sale at least by mid-November or before so you can see time is of the essence.”

CFL has been meeting and working with the Carriers, Truckers and Terminal Operators in order to streamline the flow of Containers, Delivery and extra hours if necessary to allow the movement of cargo to go forward uninterrupted.  CFL has 48 Agents and Offices Globally and offers service from North America, Asia, Europe, Central / South America and the Caribbean.